Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What The F*%k? (An Essay)

As many of you know, I am working on an album that I am hoping to release by mid-april and you can hear he first single from that here. If I may say so my self, I am very proud of the song. I believe that it sounds extraordinary for a 16-year old boy who wrote (my verse), produced and engineered it himself but my mother felt slightly different. I performed this song at my schools talent show on February 7, 2012 completely free of any curse words and my mom loved it. It wasn't until she logged on facebook where my sister shared the link to the explicit version of the song that my mother got mixed feelings. She still loved the song but she asked questions like "Why do you have to curse", "Why can't you be different" and "Why didnt you just look in the dictionary for words to replace those". She was right, I could've used different words but I told her that I believed that those words just fit the song. As a child, I believe that parents should lead by example so I had a problem with her saying this when her and a good portion of my family use curse words often. In my head I was thinking that I never used these words around you so I dont think that I should be chastised. My mother often told me about the times when she was young, her group of friends would talk like that all the time, but they weren't around their parents so it was cool. That was my main problem.


Who was it exactly that came up with the idea of "profanity". The whole purpose of words is to use them, right? Who would deliberately create a word that isn't supposed to be used? So I went to the internet to find out more information on this topic.

I looked at Wikipedia and found a little information but not exactly what I was looking for.
I came across a website called Antimoon that didnt answer my question either.


 I found someone's wordpress (not as good as Blogger. Haha!) blog entitled Sanity Found where I found some information that seems pretty accurate. It gave an individual description on each of the most popular swear words which I thought was brilliant. It is an amazing post and I recommend that you guys go check it out!

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